1. Donate on line:
You can give a one-time gift to the Campaign
or set up a monthly charge to your credit or debit card.
2. Donate by phone:
Please contact our President Nancy Iannone (928-486-1046) or Treasurer Andy Campbell (855-6054 ) if you would like to make a donation by phone.
3. Use the Gift form
4. Mail your pledge or gift to:
HFHE for ASU at Lake Havasu
P.O. Box 1201
5. Donate through payroll deduction:
Talk to your employer or human resource office to set up a monthly contribution
6. Honor with a Tribute or Memorial Gift:
Recognize someone special, commemorate a milestone or celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or retirement.
Click to see; Donor Bill of Rights in the Good Governance Report
Scholarship Fundraising Committee
Jerry Ernst, Chair; 928-854-3000 or
Nancy Iannone, Pres Elect; 928-486-4046 or
Barb Johnson; 928-230-9142 or
Ross Johnson; 928-854-3000 or
Steve Gilbert; 928-302-5122 or
Dr. Jane Tawney; 928-764-1513 or
Floyd Hamilton; 928-855-2434 or
Vickie Gwynn
To reach members of the HFHE board of directors, go to HavasuFoundation.org