Scholarships for ASU @ Lake Havasu

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  • Colleges@ASU Havasu
  • Join our ASU Alumni chapter, Lake Havasu campus
  • Sun Devils sports info

Contact Us

Havasu Foundation

Contact phones can be found on the Director's page.

Board Meetings

Second Wednesday of each month at the London Bridge Resort King Arthur room at 4:00 pm. The public is invited. To see schedule, Click Here
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Membership is open to all who want a university in our town.
Simply fill in the boxes below.
An address is not required but is helpful.
If you do not have an email address, simply enter NONE.
If you want not only to join our team but also to submit an article for publication on this site, then first contact the best writing service to familiarize yourself with the requirements for writing and editing any content. In addition, it is important to fill out the form below correctly without grammatical errors, so you can also use the help of online specialists to successfully go through all the verification stages.
Supporting membership is free.

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Supporting members are those who show their support for Foundation objectives. (Non-voting) No Dues

Sustaining members: In addition to being listed among the HFHE supporters, you will have a voice and a vote on issues brought before the general membership, including the election of Board Members.

Membership Please make checks payable to HFHE

The Havasu Foundation for Higher Education was established as a non-profit 501(c) (3) corporation in 2004 by a group of Lake Havasu City citizens who are concerned about the future of higher education in our community. Its mission is to develop a comprehensive residential university in Lake Havasu City. Please help support the Foundation with your tax-deductible contribution. Make checks payable to HFHE.

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For contribution in honor or memory of an individual or family, please designate the name(s) below:

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You can also use PayPal to make a payment or donation.


You can also join by email using the Contact Us page

We appreciate your support and interest in bringing a four-year university campus to the Lake Havasu community. Please make your check payable to the Havasu Foundation for Higher Education, or simply HFHE.

HFHE Membership Dues Flyer

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